ENcome takes over Operation&Maintenance of 41 PV power plants for a European Investor


- PV-plants are located in Italy, France and Belgium and have a total capacity of 15 MWp - Investor prefers constructor and manufacturer independent plant operator - One single monitoring solution for the complete plant portfolio

Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (03.11.2014): ENcome takes over technical O&M („Operations & Maintenance“) and monitoring of 41 PV power plants for a European investor. The plants are located in Italy, France and Belgium with a peak capacity of around 15 MWp. Therefore the ENcome group operates more than 220 MWp PV power plants Europe-wide. The key criteria for ENcome as the new operator are, beside the competent solutions for all issues relating to PV plant operation, ENcome’s independence from plant constructors and component manufacturer as well as its monitoring system ENcome Energy Monitor, which is specially adapted to the needs of professional plant owners.

„Investors are increasingly recognizing the necessity of an independent plant operator with the necessary critical size and international positioning to be able to operate larger portfolios. In times of stagnating or even retrospectively reduced feed-in remunerations the optimization of plant performance with a simultaneous reduction of operational costs becomes a substantial margin levers for plant operators”, explains Dr. Robin Hirschl, CEO of the ENcome group. Also the photovoltaic industry recognizes that constructors or component manufacturer are often confronted with a conflict of interest. In the event of claims operator would have to handle warranty obligations out of plant construction or key components which obviously leads to disincentives. In many other industries a strict separation between plant construction and operation is already common practice.


“Involving an independent operator is recommended already during the construction phase and final acceptance of new installations, at the latest however after the Final Acceptance Test. Often also a change of ownership offers a good opportunity for the new investor to change the plant operator”, Dr. Hirschl further explicates.

Especially for large, internationally operating investors a common visualization of the key performance parameters of their power generation plants in combination with a professional monitoring system becomes more and more important. The ENcome Energy Monitor fulfils these requirements and was developed together with investors the cover their specific needs.

ENcome Energy Performance was founded by a team of three managers that bring together decades of experience in renewable energy business. Well skilled engineers ensure the best yield for every renewable energy park in any grid environment. ENcome offers all services along the asset lifecycle with one single point of contact. Together with subsidiaries and a partner network ENcome covers its service portfolio across Europe.